申请申根签时,我们都会购买旅行保险,英国的留学生们也可以免费申请全球健康保险卡(Global Health Insurance Card)简称GHIC,相当于一张在欧盟区可以使用的“医保卡”,最长有效期为5年。GHIC的前身是EHIC(European Health Insurance Card)作为留学生,拥有GHIC就意味着你在欧盟地区可以享受较低的医疗成本,有时甚至...
🌍 英国的全球健康保险卡 Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) 是一种特殊的国民医疗保险,让你在欧盟国家和其他指定地区旅游时,享受与当地居民相同的基础医疗保健服务。如果这些医疗项目对国民免费,你也可以直接免费获取。 🏷️ 自英国脱欧后,GHIC 取代了之前的欧洲健康保险卡 European Health Insurance Card (EH...
“EdTech UK will be a pro-active organisation building and accelerating a vibrant education and learning technology sector and leading new developments with our founding partners. It will also be a front door to government, educators, companies and investors from Britain and globally.” Ian Fordham...
The UK had faced a similar attack on its NHS servers during the May 2017Wannacry Ransomware Attackwhich had targeted government agencies and large organizations in several countries. In India as well, the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMs), Delhi, faced aransomware attack in ...
Healthcare organisations must comply with a myriad of regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Achieving and maintaining compliance while also adapting to evolving security threats is a delicate balancing act that requires continuous effort and investment. From...
The Premier League team Tottenham Hotspur (UK) will be trialing the use of the National Health Service (NHS) COVID Pass to verify the vaccination or COVID status of supporters attending its men’s and women’s matches against its peer team Arsenal F.C. on August 8th. ‘Tottenham Hotspur...
https://www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/healthcare-abroad/apply-for-a-free-uk-global-health-insurance-card-ghic/ 申請所需材料: full name address date of birth NI Number or NHS number 如果幫家屬申請還需要提供家屬的居住證明等文件 申請費用:免費 ...
At the last UK HealthCamp towards the end of the day, when we discussed the hard things, the topic inevitably moved swiftly to consent, to building big databases, public perception, and why anyone would think there is potential for abuse, when clearly the intended use is good. ...