可以在智能手机或平板电脑等移动设备上,通过免费的NHS App获取你的NHS COVID Pass,大家的COVID-19状态证明将显示在NHS App中。 注:大家需要在英国注册GP后才能使用NHS应用程序,如果没有注册GP的朋友,仍然可以通过NHS网站(NHS.uk)或通过119获取NHS COVID Pass。 另外攻略君要提醒大家的是,很多人会将NHS App和NH...
建议大家使用短信服务,非常快,几分钟内就会收到自己的NHS number! Source:http://gov.uk (3) 上传护照照片页和扫描人脸部,完成后等待审核和激活账号。 (4) 成功激活登录之后,点击get your NHS COVID Pass,按个人需求选择domestic/travel,就可以拿到自己的码。 (5) 一般来说,只要打完第一针就能看到疫苗记录了...
你可以使用这个网站https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/services-near-you/ 搜索工具来找到离你最近的全科医生服务。 要注册全科医生,你需要在咨询时间前往当地医生的外科、诊所或医疗中心,并携带以下文件: ● 大学出具的入学证明信 ● 你的护照 ● 任何其他的移民或签证文件 通常,你的大学会有一个附属的医疗中心...
As the COVID-19 pandemic started to hit the UK, the open data and data visualization team atNHS Digitalwas tasked with quickly gathering and analysing the associated data and presenting it in a way that would help decision makers and assist with creating policy in response to the pandemic. W...
COVID-19 is a respiratory tract disease, mainly spread through respiratory droplets, aerosols and direct contact with other people. There are multiple symptoms of COVID-19. These can include: •a high temperature or shivering •a new, continuous cough (coughing a lot for more than one hour...
lockdown there may be severe delays. Any requests that relate to COVID we request that you withdraw until our areas are in Tier 1. We will make every effort and are endeavouring to respond to other requests (that do not impact on COVID Information / Clinical areas) within ...
https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/covid-pass/get-your-covid-pass-letter/ 电子版 纸质版不太方便,很容易在需要的时候忘记携带在身上,所以IEC还是推荐大家人手办理一份电子版的通行证,可以把它下载下来保存在手机上,或者保留邮件。
The covid-19 pandemic has pushed the NHS and its staff to their limit Healthcare workers battled to keep patients safe as hospitals overflowed. GPs, hospital doctors, and community staff regularly wore their own makeshift protection when personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies weren't good ...
Source:gov.uk 02 谁可以获取NHS Covid Pass? 如果你年满16周岁,可以使用通行证出国旅行。 🌟满足出国旅行的条件为: 👉如果你在英国接种了1针或2针疫苗,可以在接种后24小时-5天内拿到通行证 👉如果你在过去6个月内PCR测试呈...
英国NHS在官网更新了9个新的Covid-19新冠病毒感染的症状!在之前已经列出的:发热、咳嗽、失去嗅觉/味觉外,又加入了以下内容👇▶️气短▶️感到累/疲倦▶️身体疼痛▶️头痛▶️喉咙痛▶️鼻塞或流鼻涕▶️食欲不振▶️腹泻▶️感觉不舒服/生病 ...