CAUTI’s can also occur due to: Presence of kidney stones Diabetes Urinary catheter being in situ or recently removed Enlarged prostate in men Prevention of CAUTI Appropriate urinary catheter use Proper catheter insertion and maintenance Prompt catheter removal Who is at risk? Can occur at any age...
October 1960 - First UK kidney transplant The first kidney transplant in the UK took place at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary on 30 October, involving identical 49-year-old twins. The procedure went well, with both living for a further six years before dying of an unrelated illness. Success rates a...
The Google-owned British pioneer is working with the Royal Free London NHS Trust on a smartphone app called Streams. It currently uses an NHS created algorithm to provide information to clinicians relating to acute kidney injury (AKI), with DeepMind creating the method of delivery that includes ...
Be careful not to take too much of either remedy, as paracetamol overdose is dangerous and causes liver and kidney damage. COLDS AND FLU WHEN TO SEE YOUR GP: If your temperature hasn't gone down after 72 hours or you are coughing up yellow or green mucous. You could have a bacterial ...
toallpatients.Theserecommendationshavethepotentialtoproducerealimprovementsin patientoutcomesofbenefittotheeconomyandwidercommunity. Theproblems •Rareautoimmunediseasesaffect100,000individualsintheUKandcausechronicsuffering,vital organfailureandprematuredeath 1 •Theyarecomplexandpresenttodifferentspecialitiesinthehealth...