What are the costs to NHS Scotland of self-refer- ral to physiotherapy? Results of a national trial. Physiotherapy, 2007,93:3-11. doi: 10.1016/j. physio.2006.05.005Holdsworth L, Webster V, McFadyen A. What Are the Costs to NHS Scot- land of Self-Referral to Physiotherapy? Results of...
NHS Forth Valley Staff can self refer to the Staff Physiotherapy Service by completing the referral form and e-mailing it to fv.fvstaffphysio@nhs.scot or by contacting the Physiotherapy Department on 01786 434061. Podiatry We offer a Podiatry service for staff. If you suffer from painful feet...
Have been trying to get an appointment to see a Physio for some time now, you have to ring their number too do this. Can never get though to someone you are told lines are busy and you are tenth in the queue or more or the line is closed due to staff shortage, please call back ...
Supported self-management, acupuncture and information can help reduce the symptoms of low back pain. These approaches are currently recommended by NICE guidance as treatment options for patients with persistent low back pain. However, there has been no previous evaluation of a service providing them...
NHS Patients to Refer Themselves for PhysioDaily Mail (London)
Holdsworth LK, Webster V, McFadyen A. What are the costs to NHS Scotland of self-referral to physiotherapy? Results of a national trial. Physiotherapy, 2007,93:3-11. doi:10.1016/j.physio.2006.05.005Holdsworth LK, Webster V, McFadyen A. What are the costs to NHS Scotland of self-refer...