GP Practice Vacancies All Other Vacancies To view and apply for all other vacancies, visit our onlinerecruitment system. All Other Vacancies Overseas Candidates Information and support for overseas candidates who are interested in working in the NHS in Scotland can be found on theNHSScotland Careers...
National Services Scotland [which is in charge of the site] is reviewing all organisations' advertising accounts as part of its policy review.' A Scottish Government spokesman said: 'Private companies should not advertise on this website. This was an error and these vacancies have been removed....
NHS Forth Valley provides and manages a wide range of health services including hospitals and General Practice with the Forth Valley area of Central Scotland.
The NHS faces a crisis in terms of staffing and recruitment. Many of the ethnic minority GPs in inner city areas throughout the UK are coming up to retirement age, and there is an insufficient supply of trainees to fill estimated vacancies. Over 2,000 nursing vacancies exist across the UK...
“This is a chance to make learning work for the people of the Central Belt and the East of Scotland and help the country on the road to economic, educational and social recovery.”
Over the last few weeks, the number of Covid-19 cases has risen across Scotland. This has put significant pressure on local health and care services as they also respond to rising numbers of seriously ill people with complex needs, both in the community and local hospitals. ...
NHS Forth Valley provides and manages a wide range of health services including hospitals and General Practice with the Forth Valley area of Central Scotland.