Building in ways to achieve our country’s net zero target, which is fundamental to the health and wellbeing of everyone in Scotland; and Ensuring that the founding purpose of our NHS, to provide free healthcare at the point of need, is never lost. The Event will provide the opportunit...
November 8, 2021 Microsoft joins global group of companies that will support NHS journey to Net Zero In the News, News Feed, Recent News, Sustainability May 18, 2021 NHS Scotland’s digital track and trace system helps businesses protect their customers Azure, In the News, News Feed, Recent...
Scotland Scott Boras Scott DeAngelo Scott Farmer Scott Hudson Scott Huntley Scott Jenkins Scott McGregor Scott Stricklin Scottish Scottish Event Campus Scottish FA Scottish Football Association Scottish Gas Scottish Premiership Scottish Professional Football League Scottish Rugby Scramble Stadium Shibuya scrapped...
The NHS must be SNP’s absolute priority for the next two years –Herald Scotland 11th January The NHS crisis was years in the making by Dr John Lister –Tribune 10th Janurary How can Rishi Sunak deny there is an NHS crisis? Dr Tony O’Sullivan with Sangita Myska –LBC 8th January Star...
To what extent do organisational policies, systems and structures support the health and wellbeing of people in police custody in Scotland? This study examines the roles of Scottish Government, Police Scotland and the National Health Service (NHS) in supporting and promoting the health and wellbeing...
Yet your party continues to give Scotland 12 billion of English taxes every year via the skewed Barnett Formula which could and should be used in England instead. How many more billions are spent on illegals and foreign aid yet your Government treats its own like dirt. Shame on you all. ...
The name Scott, unsurprisingly, has a centuries long Scottish history.Early records of Scottas a last name date back to the 12th century in Roxburgh, Scotland. However, there is also evidence of the Old English word “scotti" denoting Gaels whose conquered land (in the fifth century and earl...
will have a considerable job on its hands to restore the NHS. Let’s see what the main parties are promising for the health service in their manifestos. Bear in mind that these only apply to England – tuition fees and education are devolved matters in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland....