Lifelines Scotland– Lifelines Scotland have developed a Staying Well Road Trip for emergency responders, but we think it might be helpful to all those providing care to others. The Road Trip is designed to get you thinking about things that might help protect your mental wellbeing, as well as...
NHS 111 helpline will now offer mental health support to adults and children in crisis Saffron Cordery, deputy chief executive of NHS Providers, welcomed the move but said trusts "remain deeply concerned" about levels of unmet need for those seeking mental health support. The NHS...
Transforming Mental Health Crisis CareVideo & slides Tue 8 Sep 2020 Video & Slides Featuring presentation videos and accompanying slides: designed to support NHS professionals working in mental health to develop your service with pioneering approaches to crisis care. You will take away practical ...
NHS Forth Valley provides and manages a wide range of health services including hospitals and General Practice with the Forth Valley area of Central Scotland.
Hotline Provides Support in Times of Crisis; in Association with NHS A CRISIS Team Run by a Mental Health Trust Is One of Only a Few in the North East That People in Psychological Distress Can Call Direct for HelpTHE team run by Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Trust, from the Bed...
I heard mentioned five different times over the two-day event in different projects as having harmed the project through trust or delays. We even heard examples of companies in Scotland going bust due to rollouts with slowed data access and austerity. ...
A former doctor who was found guilty of spying on a person in a shower has now been struck off.
Scotland Announces Temporary 'Fix' Yesterday, the Scottish Government announced plans to ease the NHS pensions crisis with a temporary policy to give NHS staff likely to breach the Annual Allowance in the 2019/20 financial year the option to get their employer pension contributions paid to them as...
One safety action has been completed since the investigation started, HSIB said. Kathryn Whitehill, Principal National Investigator at HSIB, said: “NHS patients are being cared for in the independent health sector now more than ever before. The health service continues to deal with the repercuss...
Public Inquiry as Mental Health Services in Crisis ; Urgent Meeting Set Up after NHS Trust Axed in Middle of Financial StormaDAY-LONG public inquiry is to be held into the crisis facingManchester's mental health services...jenwilliams, Jennifer Williams...