SCOTLAND PILOTS FIRST NHS CAFESThe article reports that Great Britain's National Health Service (NHS) is opening cafés in hospitals in Scotland to promote healthy eating.Nursing Standard
SportScotland Walk and Talk –Go for a walk boost your physical health and also your mental wellbeing – easy peasy! Staying Healthy Staying Healthy (NHS) –A link to a number of quizzes and self-help guides aimed at helping staff with issues such as losing weight, stopping smoking and ...
Vitamin D and You –This Public Health Scotland leaflet explains the benefits of getting enough Vitamin D as part of a healthy diet. This leaflet is available in English, Arabic, Polish, Traditional Chinese and Urdu and may be requested in alternative format such as large print, braille and ...
A review of evidence for the practice learning environment: Enhancing the context for nursing and midwifery care in Scotland This paper considers the issues which will ensure practice learning excellence in the future and in particular how these will impact on the delivery of hig... HW Lauder -...
Cite this:Peter Russell.Four Medicines Approved for NHS Scotland- Medscape- 13 September 2018. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Antidepressant Mirtazapine: A Short-Term Insomnia Solution? Low-dose mirtazapine reduced the severity of insomnia at 6 weeks but not beyond, whereas low-dose amitriptyline had limited ...
NHS Forth Valley provides and manages a wide range of health services including hospitals and General Practice with the Forth Valley area of Central Scotland.