Our future health secured? A review of NHS funding and performance. In:Walker I, Grise E, eds. Our Future Health Secured? A review of NHS funding and performance. London: Kings Fund, 2007; [Cited 8 Feb 2010.] Available from URL: http:// www.kingsfund.org.uk/research/publications/our...
Whistleblower: I think the advice for the first question is, “Do your own research.” I think, as a nation, we’re over-reliant on our healthcare professionals. And that’s not a get-out clause, but, you know, you’re asking me how we empower somebody to really take control — b...
Integrate your communications with the National Health Service (NHS) and connect now with more than 250 buying entities. Contact our sales team Certified GDSN Data Pool to connect with the NHS Sync your products seamlessly with the National Health Service via GDSN. PEPPOL Access Point for hospita...
United Kingdom, Department of Health. 2003. Our inheritance, our future: Realising the potential of genetics in the NHS. London: Department of Health.DoH 2003. 'Summary: Our Inheritance, Our Future - Realising the potential of genetics in the NHS'. London: Department of Health....
Nestlé Health Science is a leader in the field of nutritional science, committed to redefining the management of health. Read more about our range of products.
https://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/research/bold-action-or-slow-decay-the-state-of-nhs-dentistry-and-future-policy-actionsDate: Dec 19, 2023 Date accessed: February 15, 2024 6.BBCFull extent of NHS dentistry shortage revealed by far-reaching BBC research.https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-...
Case Study NHS Healthcare Trust secures its IT future A brand new IT network enables Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust to support the growing demands of its users and develop more cost- effective services Background Imperial Healthcare is an Acute NHS Trust with over 12,000 employees, providing ...
Tagged asdirective 95/46/EC,DPA,health,ICO,NHS November 17, 2014 · 4:59 pm Do your research. Properly Campaigning group Big Brother Watch have released a report entitled “NHS Data Breaches”. It purports to show the extent of such “breaches” within the NHS. However it fails properly...
NHS England 前首席数字护士、Future Nurse 创始人以及 BT 临床顾问委员会 (CAB) 成员 Natasha Phillips 表示:"在医疗保健领域,网络安全不仅关乎保护数据,更关乎保护生命。护士通常是第一线医护人员。为了提供救生和富有同理心的治疗,他们需要方便地访问安全的系统。""随着我们拥抱数字创新,我们必须确保所有临床医生...
According to NHS Digital, one of the key strategic benefits of working with IBM is the ability to take advantage of IBM’s research insights, products and services, and partner network. “IBM brings the best of breed from the marketplace and its vast partner network to improve and enhance ...