5. Free NHS wigs and fabric supports 6. Refund of necessary costs of travel to receive NHS treatment under the care of aconsultant 也就是说,可以免费拿处方药、接受牙齿治疗、眼睛验光以及享受购买眼镜的优惠等。就是多亏了NHS的这个证书,我在英国配眼镜享受了免费验光,以及用很低的价格就买到了一副好...
After you have finished adding all the medications you wish to order, select the Cart icon on the navigation bar. This will take you to the Cart page. Here, a modal will appear which will request your exemption status. If you are exempt from paying NHS prescription charges, you should se...
“You will qualify for a limited help with health costs HC3 certificate if your income is greater than your requirements by more than half the current English prescription charge. The HC3 certificate which shows how much you have to pay towards your health costs”. 也就是说,当你的收入比你的...