Payment by Results Tariff Set to Squeeze the NHSExperts have predicted another tough financial year for the NUS in England after the Department...Ward, Seamus
[5] of hospital finances across the NHS that "hospitals' financial problems are not always the result of inefficiency or poor management and there are other factors including stranded costs, imperfections in the design of payment by results tariff and the "legacy costs" – the legacy of past ...
NHS Payment by Results Tariff Delayed Yet AgainThe Department of Health has again delayed publication of the new NHS treatments tariff after...Shifrin, Tash
The article elaborates on the delay of the publication of the National Health Services' (NHS) new treatment tariff in Great Britain. The Department of Health postponed the publication after health bodies expressed their concerns about its operation during testing. Health leaders and finance chiefs ...
The payment by results were released early to allow the NHS to test the tariff before the final version is published on December 2006.WardSeamusPublic Finance