NHS staff win pay battle as ministers cave in Anger across border at 2.5per cent dealROBBIE DINWOODIECATHERINE MacLEOD
Top pay in the NHS: Towards a new dealReorganisation and pressures for greater efficiency and accountability are changing the nature of the jobs at the top of the national health service. Are the present arrangements for setting pay at that level still appropriate ? If not, what should take ...
“Our research shows a “data trust deficit”. In this data rich world, companies and government have to earn citizens’ trust in how they manage and use data – and those that get it wrong will pay the price.’ [RSS Data Trust Deficit, lessons for...
Consultants to Get NHS Sabbaticals in Pay DealTOP CONSULTANTS in the National Health Service are to be offered paid sabbaticals lasting between two and three months as part of a package of measures designed to break deadlocked pay negotiations that threaten the Government's plans for the NHS....
Thousands of nurses were balloted by the RCN for further strike action.However the votes was to accept the pay deal, with a significant percentage opposed to doing so. Junior doctors and were on strike 15 – 16 June and 11-15 August. ...
In other words, NHS commissioners do not simply purchase or pay for whatever healthcare professionals and providers choose to offer but actively define, seek out and evaluate the services they believe their patients want and need. Furthermore, they are not only responsible for procuring healthcare...
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London Letter: Full steam ahead for England’s local elections in May Starmer contrasted Johnson’s I% pay rise for nurses who saved his life with his £40,000 pay rise to his former adviser Cummings By Denis StauntonThu Mar 11 2021 - 20:00 ...
We will deal with your request as soon as we are able to; usually, that is within one month of receiving it. If there is going to be a delay in dealing with your request (for example, because it’s complex or you have made a number of requests) or there is a reason why we can...
Up and down the country public meetings are being held where attendees speak candidly, listen respectfully and pay tribute to those with whom they passionately disagree. The MPs are often, genuinely, undecided on the subject and are more inclined to listen than to impose their ...