Shortage of Physiotherapists Causing NHS a Pain in the Neck; RECRUITMENT CRISIS
Gnashers (a private NHS-linked surgeon) saw fit to give me an unwanted skin-tuck and which is the direct cause of non-elasticity and bloated neck and a huge scar which looks as if I either tried to hang myself or have been in a gang-fight in some back-alley somewhere.Prior to the...
“At my last scan in July they decided I could now switch to yearly scans. “I dread to think how bad I would have become waiting another year for a scan.” About her neck and back pain, Gemma said: “I never c...
I say relief, but by them it was too late. Essentially, whatever they used to block the pain as part of the GA wore off in one go between 10pm and 11pm, so I went from being uncomfortable, to being in all the pain having your arm cut open and metal plates screwed into the bone...
Back Problems or Lower Back Pain Chest Wall Injury Child Buckle Fracture (Wrist) Child Clavicle Fracture (Collarbone) Clinical Scaphoid Injury Knee Problems Mallet Finger Injury Neck Problems or Whiplash Radial Head Fracture (Elbow Fracture) Shoulder Dislocation Shoulder Problems Weber A (Ankle Fracture...
• redness in the back of your mouth • bad breath • a mild cough • swollen neck glands • children can also get a temperature and appear less active You can now get advice and NHS treatment for a sore throat from a Tesco Pharmacist without having to see a GP. The NHS Pharm...
A change in the voice, such as persistent hoarseness Difficulty or pain when swallowing Noisy breathing Shortness of breath A persistent cough A lump or swelling in your neck Professor Peter Johnson, NHS national clinical director for cancer, said: "It is really positive that ...
TENS machine to ease migraine pain Vestibular migraines Joint pain and arthritis Arthritis and joint pain Joint pain and how to relieve it Rheumatoid arthritis Psoriatic arthritis Exercising with joint pain Knee pain causes & treatments Neck pain causes & treatments Does pain get worse in the cold?
TENS machine to ease migraine pain Vestibular migraines Joint pain and arthritis Arthritis and joint pain Joint pain and how to relieve it Rheumatoid arthritis Psoriatic arthritis Exercising with joint pain Knee pain causes & treatments Neck pain causes & treatments Does pain get worse in the cold?
Lump in neck has got bigger. Told to wait by phone next Tuesday and Wednesday to hear about biopsy. April 6: Nothing heard. April 7: Nothing heard. April 8: Nothing heard. Phone radiography. No biopsy has been booked. They've never heard of me. Visit GP. He examines lumps, ...