Symptoms of an ear infection may include: • earache • a high temperature • being sick • a lack of energy • slight hearing loss – if the middle ear becomes filled with fluid • in some cases, a hole may develop in the eardrum (perforated eardrum) and pus may run out of...
The researchers calculated how raisingbreastfeeding rateswould save money through reducing illness. They producedeconomic modelsfor five illnesses where the evidence is strongest:breast cancerin the mother and in the baby, gastroenteritis, respiratory infections, middle ear infections and necrotising enterocol...
In his published account of the episode, to coincide with World Stroke Day, he recalls that the hospital diagnosed him incorrectly and discharged him the following day, diagnosing an inner ear infection. The article is, by implication, critical of the treatment he received and observes that “...
Greté left, I had some food and dozed for a bit. Then around 8 or 9pm Alan started having trouble. He was clearly running a fever and was beginning to get very confused. He hadn’t been diagnosed with his chest infection at this stage, and wasn’t on antibiotics. Twice I watched hi...