首先需要在初到英国时,申请NHS的LIS(Low Income Scheme)项目里面的“HC2 Certificate for full help with health costs”。有了这个证书,才能得到医疗费用减免。 减免服务包括看病时NHS方开具的处方药折扣、NHS牙科治疗折扣、NHS视力检查折扣以及享受购买眼镜和隐形眼镜的优惠。以及一些特殊服务,例如医疗途中的交通费补贴...
New posters and leaflets NHS charges, optical and hospital travel costs; changes to the NHS*Low Income Scheme (LIS) One year on from its adoption, Rudolf Klein argues that only one thing is certain about the Health and Social Care Act: it will be a vote loser for all parties in the ...