Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is the main provider of specialist mental health and learning disability services in Leeds. They also provide specialist services across York, the Yorkshire and Humber region, and some highly specialised national services. ...
I request this information separately for each of the Specialist Eating Disorder Inpatient Units within the Yorkshire and Humber region (YCED, Riverdale Grange, Schoen Clinic, Rharian Fields and Ellern Mede Moorgate). For all NHS funded patients discharged in the last year, irrespective of when ...
Impact of COVID‐19 on rate of admissions in the Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust in Yorkshiredoi:10.1002/pnp.793Javaid, AmirRasool, SabaHamid, ZaidiMichael, DasariAmir, AnamProgress in Neurology & Psychiatry