Jobs Apply on website Save jobClick to add the job to your shortlist Send job Job summaryApplications are invited to apply for a Clinical Fellow (ST3+) / Medical Training Initiative (MTI) role with an interest in Respiratory Medicine at Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. ...
The network for Oral & Maxillofacial surgery provides services for Luton & Dunstable Hospital, Bedford Hospital, Lister Hospital in Stevenage, QEII Hospital in Welwyn and Milton Keynes Hospital, covering a population of 1.5 million. All in-patient services and on-call duties have been centralised to...
Care Regulator Lifts Conditions On Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Dear Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Please provide me with the below details; 1. A list of the OFF-framework agencies used by the trust in the past 12 months’ 2. The average length of time a long-term agency placement is left vacant before being filled by the ag...
Ten minutes with Dr Ian Reckless, Medical Director, Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trustclinical leadershipSenior medical leaderengagementemotional intelligencelearningFor me, there are three key messages based on my personal battle against COVID-19 so fardoi:10.1136/leader-2020-000256...
Review of Bone Scan in Staging of Breast Cancer Patients (Milton Keynes University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust 2020-2021)doi:10.32474/CTBM.2021.02.000144Olawunmi OlayiwolaTaiwo AremuOluwafemi AjibolaKehinde Adeyinka
Introduction A pilonidal abscess is a common surgical problem that requires incision and drainage, performed under general anaesthesia at Milton Keynes Hospital. 50% of cases represent an underlying pilonidal sinus requiring formal excision to prevent recurrence. Ther e is an inevitable time lag between...