Reports the formation in the UK in 2005 of the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), set up with the aim of giving decision makers sound information which also underpins regulation, quality assurance, training and research. Indicates the diverse range of health and social care ...
这是NHS Choices网站上的logo,“Your health, your choices",“你的健康,你的选择”,译为“你的健康,你做主”是不是更好一些? NHS Choices(是英格兰国家卫生服务体系(NHS)的官方网站,2007年开始建立运营,目前已经成为英国健康领域浏览量最大的网站。2015年网站浏览量达到5.83亿人次,英国人口6500万左...
由英国卫生部建立的“NHS Choices”网站业已成为英国民众寻医问药最常用的搜索引擎。 这是NHS Choices网站上的logo,“Your health, your choices',“你的健康,你的选择”,译为“你的健康,你做主”是不是更好一些? NHS Choices(是英格兰国家卫生服务体系(NHS)的官方网站,2007年开始建立运营,目前已经...
One of the initial barriers to investigating health issues is getting your head around the apparent complexity of the UK health system and its jargon. Over atNational Health Service History, however,Geoffrey Rivetthas put togetherone of the clearest guides I’ve seenon its various parts and how ...
NHS的改革方向是确保病人的首要地位,这成为NHS发生重大结构性变革,同时也是调整其内部组织联r病人朝公金、 r标签:英国 NHS 筹资 管理 支付 分类:英国NHS2006-12-06 22:17博主编译(系的动因。图为英格兰NHS的结构和运作方式。大不列颠的其他部分的卫生服务系统的运作方式可以访问NHS在北爱尔兰、苏格兰...
Join the 30 people who've already reviewed Your experience can help others make better choices.
博主编译( NHS成立于1948年,目前是欧洲最大的组织,被世界卫生组织认为是世界上最成功的卫生服务体系之一,但是要适应21世纪的卫生服务需求还是有许多待改进之处。NHS的改革方向是确保病人的首要地位,这成为NHS发生重大结构性变革,同时也是调整其内部组织联系的动因。 图为英格兰NHS的结构和运作方式。大不列...
1. 注册GP:在英国,每一家GP诊所都有自己负责的区域,可以在NHS的官网(上根据邮编查询离你家最近的GP诊所。注册的过程很简单,带上身份证明(护照,proof of address)前往诊所前台,填写一张注册表即可。如果你搬了家,需要在第一时间及时重新注册。
The NHS login help centre: has guidance that may be able to support you. If you’re still experiencing the issue, please contact the NHS App team: and quote A2232 so we can help you. ...
Sheldon T, Chalmers I (1994) The UK Cochrane Centre and the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination: respective roles within the Information Systems Strategy of the NHS R&D Programme, coordination and principles underlying collaboration. Health Economics 3, 201-203....