Lifelines Scotland– Lifelines Scotland have developed a Staying Well Road Trip for emergency responders, but we think it might be helpful to all those providing care to others. The Road Trip is designed to get you thinking about things that might help protect your mental wellbeing, as well as...
NHS Forth Valley provides and manages a wide range of health services including hospitals and General Practice with the Forth Valley area of Central Scotland.
This study examines the socio-technical factors that have influenced the adoption of electronic medical records systems within primary care practices in NHSScotland in order to inform future implementations in this sphere. Background & related work Primary care computing in NHSScotland GPs are not ...
A review of needlestick injuries in Scotland suggested that 56% of injuries would ‘probably’ or ‘definitely’ have been prevented if a safety device had been used.212 However, some studies have identified a range of barriers to the expected reduction in injuries, including staff resistance to...