By enabling patients to monitor their conditions at home, the NHS could potentially reduce the strain on its resources. For instance, Type 2 diabetes patients, who currently average monthly hospital or GP visits, could significantly reduce their in-person appointments through remote monitoring. ...
Medical devices, from blood pressure monitors to pacemakers to pill bottles and inhalers, are gaining connectivity, allowing doctors to monitor and refine treatment in real time. In addition, the data gathered from sensors in diverse hospitals and from patients could prove hugely valuable i...
“I’ve lost over 3 stone since January 2022, but I wanted to make sure things were improving on the inside too. I have a family history of diabetes and high blood pressure, which I know is a side effect of high cholesterol levels in the blood. I was looking at ...
Telehealth enables patients with long-term conditions such as heart disease and diabetes to monitor their health and wellbeing while remaining in the home. It enables patients to monitor their vital signs, such as weight, blood pressure and oxygen levels in their own homes. The results are ...
Now one of the most common surgeries performed on the NHS, it sees a thin telescopic rod, lit with a fibre-optic cable and connected to a tiny camera, used to send images of the area being operated on to a monitor so that surgeons can see what they are doing. ...
Low blood pressure (≤ 100 mm Hg systolic) Sepsis is caused by the way the body responds to germs, such as bacteria, getting into your body. The infection may have started anywhere in a persons body, and may be only in one part of the body or it may be widespread. Sepsis can occur...
monitor any late effects in the long-term. As part of their research, health professionals might also gather information about your recovery and any late effects you have. This data could help to improve lymphoma treatments in the future. Your participation in this research is optional and requir...
The recorded figures inTable 1show a clear lack of energy-conscious behaviour. However, it can also be quite natural, given the individual perception that switching-off one device will not save the world and the numbers do support this. For instance, an individual PC with one monitor will co...