NHS就像中国的低保证明,申请到这个证明可以在你看病、看牙、验光配眼镜的时候省去很多钱(甚至不要钱),低保证明有几种:HC1、HC2(全款报销)和HC3(部分报销),你可以根据自己的实际情况来申请。那么具体要怎么获得,今天就来跟大家介绍一下。 HC1 HC1(Claim for help with health costs)是NHS低收入证明的申请表格,无...
“You will qualify for a limited help with health costs HC3 certificate if your income is greater than your requirements by more than half the current English prescription charge. The HC3 certificate which shows how much you have to pay towards your health costs”. 也就是说,当你的收入比你的...