这里小威说一下留学生群体,如果拿到了HC2证明,那么就可以免除公立牙医费用啦! HC2这个证明的全名是“HC2 Certificate for full help with health costs”,是NHS给低收入人群准备的。而在英国留学的全职学生,也是符合“低收入人群”的标准。 有了它,可以帮着...
HC2这个证明的全名是“HC2 Certificate for full help with health costs”,是NHS给低收入人群准备的。而在英国留学的全职学生,也是符合“低收入人群”的标准。 有了它,可以帮着减免一些医疗花费,比如可以免费拿处方药、接受牙齿治疗、眼睛验光以及享受购买眼镜的优惠等。 具体申请方法是网上下载一张HC1表格,填好信息...
查询地址: https://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/Healthcareabroad/plannedtreatment/Pages/Compareoptions.aspx 一般情况下,要想在欧盟国家及瑞士报销看病的费用,首先要在英国获得NHS系统内医院的书面证明,阐述清楚在海外就医的必要性和合理性。 所以……即使是出国就医,想少花钱还是免不了去排队…… 虽然,NHS很多时候都免...
证书的有效期通常在6个月到5年之间,主要取决于申请人的实际情况,心急的童鞋可以在http://www.nhs.uk/Healthcosts/Documents/Sample%20HC2.pdf上看到HC2的样表。 如果童鞋们已经在申请之前已经有过药费、牙医费或者眼睛相关费用的支出,也不需要着急,NHS允许申请人将申请之前的花费申诉回来,但只能是在递交申请3个月...
NHS医疗体系中设立了低收入保障计划(Low Income Scheme)来为低收入群体负担医疗费。资产在16000英镑以下的低收入群体可以申请HC2/HC3 (Claim for Help with Health Costs) 来享受这项福利政策。在英国全职读书的留学生也属于低收入群体,可以申请HC2/HC3。
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UK NHS haemorrhages money over patient access scheme.The article discusses the commentaries of Professor James Raftery and Professor Christopher McCabe and colleagues about the costly failure of the Great Britain Department of Health's multiple sclerosis risk sharing scheme, an initiative that promotes ...
Implementing a good energy and sustainability management strategy can not only deliver essential savings and reduce consumption costs, but it is key to achieving the ambitions set out in the NHS Delivering a Net Zero National Health Service plan. With our support health and social care services...
英国国民健康保险制度NHS资源分配 Hello everyone, I am a freelance journalist working in London. Today I will give a brief presentation about resource allocation, or healthcare rationing of NHS. All in all the issue is money. My speech will include three parts: explanations of terminology and ...