6. Re: Nhs Ghic 2 years ago Save https://www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/healthcare-abroad/apply-for-a-free-uk-global-health-insurance-card-ghic/ If it doesn’t arrive in time, don’t worry as long as you have applied. Use it at the walk in nhs centre in Rincon, that is...
It would have been quicker to fly to Spain and use our GHIC card. Two elderly relatives were left lying on the floor for 12 hours, with broken hips, waiting for an ambulance, last year. A 58p test, available in most Western countries, that would have saved the life of my ...
If you have aEuropean Health Insurance Card(EHIC)orGlobal Health Insurance Card(GHIC), you can access servicesfor freein the following scenarios: Illness Medical emergency Treatment of pre-existing medical conditions Routine maternity care, as long as you didn’t specifically visit the UK to give...
如果你是在2021 年1 月1 日之前來英國(成為英國居民的)即可申請EHIC。EHIC=GHIC+挪威+冰島+列支敦士登+瑞士。 申請網站: https://www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/healthcare-abroad/apply-for-a-free-uk-global-health-insurance-card-ghic/ 申請所需材料: full name address date of birth NI Number or NHS n...