ThePremier League Primary Starswebsite for teachers and schools has been opened up to provide free, curriculum-linked education resources for parents and carers at home. Clubs have also developed exercise and mental wellbeing resources as part of an array of digital content and online learning for...
In June, NHS Digital reported that more than 113 NHSmail mailboxes had been compromised and used to send malicious emails to external recipients. St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust issued a warning to staff about scammers that were impersonating employees and sending emails to HR and ...
向媒体透露这一消息的是NHS下辖的英国伦敦皇家自由医院 (Royal Free) ,招聘负责人表示,他们被上级部门通知要在招聘中填写情况说明,解释为什么在一个特定岗位上招聘了白人而非少数族裔的员工,解释这位白人求职者比其他人优秀在哪,但如果招聘的是少数族裔,则不需要作出这样的说明。 A policy at the Royal Free in no...
Several authors also find women to be less ambitious and to exercise less power [37]. The capacity to influence subordinates has arisen as a critical success factor for CEOs, and even more so in a hospital context where highly trained -and hard-to-monitor individuals run separate but ...