On Friday,Apple and Googleannounced they were jointly working on APIs to allow iOS and Android devices to detect each other using Bluetooth, for the purposes of tracking the spread ofCOVID-19. As part of the announcement, it was claimed the APIs would be made available for use by pu...
向媒体透露这一消息的是NHS下辖的英国伦敦皇家自由医院 (Royal Free) ,招聘负责人表示,他们被上级部门通知要在招聘中填写情况说明,解释为什么在一个特定岗位上招聘了白人而非少数族裔的员工,解释这位白人求职者比其他人优秀在哪,但如果招聘的是少数族裔,则不需要作出这样的说明。 A policy at the Royal Free in no...
SEE: Here's how you can still get a free Windows 10 upgrade Windows 7 was initially released in July 2009 and has been an extremely widely used version of Windows but has now been overtaken by a more advanced and more secure version of the operating system. ...