6. If authority to use off-framework agencies in the trust lies with a specific department i.e., temporary staffing/staffing solutions/agency bookings/NHSP or equivalents, then who in the trust has the authority to override such decision made by that department (name and job title) ...
Chairman of the Local Government Associations Community Wellbeing Board, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, has released the following response to the recent National
However, while these additional online back-up solutions have been purchased and provided by a number of health-boards, they are not currently available to all GP practices across Scotland. Information usage & user satisfaction Perceived benefits covered four main areas the EMR provides useful ...
BSMHFTbeganlookingatdigitaldictationsolutions,mostofwhichinvolvedreplacing taperecorderswithdigitalrecorders.Butthiswouldhaveonlypartiallysolvedthe problemasdigitalrecordersstillhadtobephysicallyreturnedtotheoffice.Inaddition, purchasingawholenewfleetofdigitalrecorderswouldhavebeenveryexpensive. ...