打开Google,搜索“NHSNumberfinder”,然后点击NHS官网链接。 进入“findyourNHSNumber”页面,点击“startnow”。 按要求填写姓名、生日和住址的邮编。 提交后,你会收到手机短信发送的NHS号码;或者可以选择以书信形式邮寄到你的注册地址,大约需要3-5个工作日。 你也可以直接联系自己的GP,接线员核实你的身份后会马上告...
通过下方NHS官网入口: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/online-services/find-nhs-number/ 可以进入到NHS号码找回(Find your NHS number)页面,点击下方绿色按钮【Start Now】即可开始找回! 进入后,系统会要求输入个人的“姓名、生日和邮编”等信息。...
通过下方NHS官网入口: Find your NHS numberwww.nhs.uk/nhs-services/online-services/find-nhs-number/ 可以进入到NHS号码找回(Find your NHS number)页面,点击下方绿色按钮【Start Now】即可开始找回! 进入后,系统会要求输入个人的“姓名、生日和邮编”等信息。请注意:上述信息必须和注册GP时一致。搞定后NHS号...
1 在 NHS 发给你的信件里看到你的专属 NHS number 2 下载 NHS APP ➡️ 通过邮箱登录 ➡️ 登录成功后在左上角就可以看到 NHS number 3 Google 搜索 Find your NHS number ➡️ Start now ➡️ 输入姓名、生日、邮编即可查询 4 打电话给你注册的 GP 诊所向他们询问 - 查看全部 打开App...
1⃣️在google搜索find your NHS number,或者复制以下链接: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/online-services/find-nhs-number/ 2⃣️点击start now 3⃣️依次输入自己的first name,last name,出生年月,注册GP时的家庭邮编...
1⃣️在google搜索find your NHS number,或者复制以下链接: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/online-services/find-nhs-number/ 点击start now 依次输入自己的first name,last name,出生年月,注册GP时的家庭邮编(注意⚠️如果搬过家的同学,也请填写当时注册GP时的邮编) ...
1⃣️在google搜索find your NHS number,或者复制以下链接: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/online-services/find-nhs-number/ 2⃣️点击“start now” ,依次输入自己的first name/last name/出生年月/注册GP时的家庭邮编(注意⚠️如果搬过家的同学,也请填写当时注册GP时的邮编) ...
Find your NHS number Health A to Z Medicines A to Z Find other NHS services My Planned Care NHS Out of Hours and Emergencies 111 is the NHS non-emergency number. It’s fast, easy and free. Call 111 and speak to a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals. They will...
The NHS Minor Ailment Scheme is here if you want help, advice or treatment for common illness such as a cold, cough or sprains, find out more at Boots.com.
You can register for yourself or on behalf of a dependant in your care. Registering takes around 15 minutes.We'll ask questions about:your name and address the name and address of the GP practice you're currently registered with, if you have one your NHS number, if you know it the ...