Fast Track Pathway Tool for NHS Continuing Healthcare – form for completion by referring clinician To enable immediate provision of a package of NHS Continuing Healthcare.Date of completion of the Fast Track Pathway Tool Enter the date here.Contact details of the individual who is being fast-...
This time he was discharged with a fast-track care package known as NHS Continuing Healthcare or CHC. It's funded by the NHS for people assessed as having health and social care needs caused by a medical issue. Around 12 weeks after leaving hospital, Mick was remotely assessed...
On the pilot work continuing, thestatement from NHS Englandreads: “The public interest is best served by a proper debate about the nature of a person’s right to opt out of data sharing and we will now have clarity on the wording for the next steps in the programme,” I’d like to ...
care" set-ups can be excellent in continuing the rehabilitation of patients after an acute illness has been treated or surgery undertaken. However, there is now increasing pressure to utilise them in order to prevent patients ever reaching an acute hospital. In my experience, such schemes are us...
“Every day I know that this virus brings new sadness and mourning to households across the land and it is still true that this is the biggest single challenge this country has faced since the war and I in no way minimise the continuing problems we face. ...