3. STOP: the Department of Health and NHS England must stop undermining trust in its own leadership, through public communications that voice opposition to medical professional bodies. Doctors are trusted much more than politicians. START: strengthen the public-GP relationship that is already well tr...
GMC Registered Doctors Patients are our priority Fast, efficient & personal service. Family run pharmacy on Prescott Road. Your pharmacy near me in Fairfield and serving all of Liverpool! Great Health Services The latest NHS services Dossett Boxes, Care in the Chemist, Quit smoking and much mo...
So not just for me, but for the doctors, the GP, and for the consultants in the hospitals or clinics, or whatever it is. One system. I don’t understand why there isn’t one.”[R1, Group 4] “I would’ve said that I think it all collective belongs to the NHS who then ...
Four apps aiming to improve access to weight-loss drugs could be used by the NHS in England, under draft health guidance. The apps will also provide psychological support and expert advice on diet and exercise for the most obese. Health guidance body NICE says face-to-face services treating ...
Hallett, who is 30, was admitted to the hospital a mile away from her home, where she waited for six days in a loud, crowded ward as doctors tried to find her a psychiatric bed. She was eventually transported 200 miles away to a private hospital in Harrow, near London, run by the ...
This trust response may hide other cases of MHPS action after whistleblowing by other doctors, besides Mr Pitman. Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust speciously claimed that its whistleblowing and disciplinary processes are “entirely separate”: Question: “If so, did the trust take any specia...
The latest cunning plan out of the NHS high command / coalition government is for Britains best and brightest doctors and consultants to set-up 'NHS' hospitals abroad at huge tax payer expense to treat foreign patients under the illusion that this will generate profits that will be reinvested ...
Apparently the 12.4% they are asking, the same as Scottish Junior Doctors have been offered and who don’t have eye watering tuition fee debts to pay back, is too much for English Junior Doctors to be given. Yet your party continues to give Scotland 12 billion of English taxes every year...
“How does NHS England plan to future proof trust and deliver a process of communications for the planned future changes in scope, users or uses?” We’re expected to jump on for the benefits, but not ask about the cost. care.data plans have no future costs (just as long as they’re...
"It was only a few years ago that I found out I had diabetes but the doctors said it had been there for quite a while," he explained. Type 2 diabetes tends to go unnoticed and can lie under the surface for years. Its symptoms are typically mild, sporadic and sometimes non-existent...