Ask family, friends and neighbours to support you and use online services. If this is not possible, then the public sector, business, charities, and the general public are gearing up to help those advised to stay at home. It is important to speak to others and ask them to help you to ...
Alcohol and Drugs (NHS Forth Valley)has a Variety of information guides, signposting to local services including recovery cafes and free, confidential advice. Buggy Walks Buggy Walksare a fun way for mums, dads, grandparents and carers to meet new people, chat and share experiences on a safe ...
2012 reforms to the English NHS seek to open provision to private firms.We examine the barriers to privatisation and profit-making after the reforms.Barrie... N Krachler,I Greer - 《Social Science & Medicine》 被引量: 29发表: 2015年 Regulating the price of the UK's drugs: second thoughts...
NHS managers are considering the benefits of a system in which prescriptions for all generic drugs are free, MPs were told last week.A system that made generic drugs free and that charged patients only if they wanted a branded drug could... A O'Dowd - 《Bmj British Medical Journal》 被引...
Cambridge Access Surgery is a small surgery of 600+ patients who are either street homeless, homeless or at risk of homelessness aged 18+. As well as general GP clinics, the surgery currently providesdrugand alcohol clinics alongside Change Grow Live Drugs and Alcohol Services therefore RCGP trai...
drugs and alcohol. Our 5,000 staff serve a local population of 1.3 million people. We offer more than 260 services including inpatient wards, outpatient and community service. We provide care for 41,000 patients in the community in Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham and Croydo...
manager of Bridges drug and alcohol support group in Stockton, said she would welcome a similar scheme on Teesside for people who cannot get well any other way."People on methadone, many of them use (heroin) on top of their medication. A lot of users tell us methadone does not hit the...
Allagenciesshouldprovidesupporttostaffthroughacommitmentto educationandtrainingandsharingknowledgeandskills. Peopletakingmedicinesshouldbeencouragedtoexercise independencetoadegreecommensuratewithsafepractise.They shouldbeenabledtotakeresponsibilityfortheirownmedication. ...
“We’ve done it to relieve boredom and support the doctors and nurses in the NHS. We’re more of a community now. I’m an ex-landlady and used to do them [quizzes] in the pub. I thought they’d get fed up after a while, but they’ve loved it. People started giving me priz...
alongwiththeresponsiveness,accessibilityandqualityofservices.Inaddition, thereareplansforeveryonewithalong-termconditiontohaveapersonalised careplan,asystemthatisalreadybeingpilotedinsocialcare.Patientswillbe guaranteedaccesstothemostclinicallyandcosteffectivedrugsand treatmentsapprovedbyNICE. Qualitymonitoring Thereportem...