可以在智能手机或平板电脑等移动设备上,通过免费的NHS App获取你的NHS COVID Pass,大家的COVID-19状态证明将显示在NHS App中。 注:大家需要在英国注册GP后才能使用NHS应用程序,如果没有注册GP的朋友,仍然可以通过NHS网站(NHS.uk)或通过119获取NHS COVID Pass。 另外攻略君要提醒大家的是,很多人会将NHS App和NH...
申请步骤不复杂,跟着IEC一起来动动手指! (1) 下载NHS APP(用户必须已经注册过GP) 这里注意一下区分NHS APP和NHS Covid-19,前者是我们要下载的,后者是用于检测和追踪的(比如去餐厅吃饭要扫码)。 (2) 使用在线NHS Covid Pass服务,通过GP号码登录账号,填写信息。 不知道自己GP号码的小伙伴可以通过以下方式查询...
下载NHS APP——>点击Continue with NHS login——>输入邮箱——>输入密码——>输入6位数验证码——>点继续——>选择“Domestic”或“Travel” ——>点击“show details” ——>出现二维码。 2 申请纸质版(COVID Pass letter) 接种完第二剂疫苗或强生的一剂疫苗即可申请纸质版,申请通常需要5个工作日。 纸质版...
#01下载NHS APP(用户必须已经注册过GP) 这里注意一下区分NHS APP和NHS Covid-19,前者是我们要下载的,后者是用于检测和追踪的(比如去餐厅吃饭要扫码)。 #02使用在线NHS Covid Pass服务,通过GP号码登录账号,填写信息。 不知道自己GP号码的小伙伴可以通过以下方式查询 : 小Tips: 如何查找NHS number 1⃣️在go...
谁可以获取NHS Covid Pass? 如果你年满16周岁,可以使用通行证出国旅行。 🌟满足出国旅行的条件为: 👉如果你在英国接种了1针或2针疫苗,可以在接种后24小时-5天内拿到通行证 👉如果你在过去6个月内PCR测试呈阳性,可以在结束隔离...
英国疫苗护照申请全流程 | NHS Covid Pass伦敦租房资讯快报 2022-01-11 投诉 阅读数:1714 伦敦租房资讯快报 网罗伦敦热门房源, 招租 求租 转租 长租 短租 各类房源 义务免费平台 为您无限次转发 转发请编辑博文并单独@伦敦租房资讯快报 小编微信uknewhome +关注 转发 评论 快速开通微博你可以查看更多内容,还...
People travelling abroad or attending events and venues in England may need to access their digital COVID pass when asked for proof of their COVID-19 status.
Any ideas how to get around this? Can’t log in to access my digital COVID pass. Updated all log ins and the app, can’t find any info anywhere 开发人员回复, The NHS login help centre: https://help.login.nhs.uk/ has guidance that may be able to support you. If you’re still ...
The online service, managed by NHS Digital, provides people with a single point of access to digital health and care websites and apps. A peak in the number of people setting up an NHS login took place in May with the launch of the NHS COVID Pass, which is used to prove whether ...
From next week, the NHS Covid pass will be mandatory in these places. After the announcement the app froze when people tried to access it. The digital passport can be used as proof of your vaccination status which can be kept on your smartphone. ...