Each of the four nations has some variation in screeningprotocol and grading, but in general, the photographs are graded and the results sent to the patient and their GPwithin six weeks. Depending on the results, patients areeither recalled for annual screening, invited back for more frequent ...
NPS signs new contract for diabetic eye screening with NHS Scotland
risk may be advantageous over opportunistic screening.7–9 This has already been successfully implemented in the NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme,10 where the electronic transfer of patient information and imaging between community screening clinics and the Hospital Eye Service is now standard ...
Diabetes (Including Diabetic Retinal Eye Screening) Eating Disorder Service Immunisation Hub Rehabilitation Services (including appliance and orthotics, speech and language therapy and wheelchair clinics) Learning Disability Psychology Musculoskeletal (MSK) Hub Physiotherapy Psychiatry Speech and Language Therapy...
The aim of the English NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (DESP) is to reduce the risk of sight loss amongst people with diabetes by the prompt identification and effective treatment if necessary of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy, at the appropriate stage during the disease process, with ...