Referral patterns and the referral system for oral surgery care. Part 1: General dental practitioner referral patterns P Coulthard I Kazakou H V Worthington British Dental Journal (2000) Out-of-hours dental services: a survey of current provision in the United Kingdom R Anderson D W Thomas...
NHS England is not the same as ‘the NHS in England’. The NHS in England is not a single public body but is made up of a range of organisations including Hospitals and Ambulance Trusts. NHS England is responsible for commissioning primary care services such as GP and dental surgeries, as...
Additionally 111 said they would refer us to the hospital and therefore we did not ask them to send a referral text to our phone. The hospital said that there is no system in place for them to receive referrals from 111 and other people have made this complaint to them.So if I could ...
Sara Hurley, the NHS England chief dental officer, has published guidance for dentists on how their teams - who are "likely to meet patients with broken teeth and injuries to their mouths" - can also identify and help victims. Ms Hurley said: "Combating domestic abuse ...
The Local Dental Committee agreed that dentists were not being forced to work outside their competencies. The referral criteria and rejection process should remain the same. NHS England must continue to identify and support training needs amongst referring dentists....
Dyer T. A five-year evaluation of an NHS dental practice-based specialist minor oral surgery service.Community Dent Health2013;30:219-226. Goldthorpe J, Walsh T, Tickel Met al. An evaluation of a referral management and triage system for oral surgery referrals from primary care dentists: a ...
The concept of free health care, including spectacles and dental treatment, was seen as a luxury, and there was a concerted effort by the rich and poor alike to co-operate to help make the NHS a success. It was the Minister's intention to provide all ophthalmic services under the NHS, ...
Also brought in was a flat rate of £1 for ordinary dental treatment, as well as charges for glasses. Image:A woman hands over a prescription in a chemist's shop in Fleet Street, London April 1953 - DNA breakthrough Two Cambridge University scientists - Francis Crick and Jim Watson - ...
Dave Cottam, of the British Dental Association, said: ‘Anything that takes resources away from patients should be condemned. ‘Sadly confusion is practically written into our contracts. There is no clarity over what the NHS offers and no two dentists would give you the same answer on how trea...
we obtained the information from the outpatients who visited the Tohoku University Dental Hospital using a questionnaire for our education and clinical training system.The following results were obtained.(1) "Referral from general practitioner" was the most common reason for visiting our hos...