many stroke patients in the UK who could benefit from a thrombectomy do not receive one in a timely manner—or at all—due, in part, to the fact the procedure is done by interventional neuroradiology (INR
Instead of ordering a PET scan (which required the involvement of another NHS trust), the relevant surgeons offered another CT scan, without explaining why a CT scan was being arranged or what the lung team had advised. My relative did not even know which doctor had ordered the CT scan. O...
CT scan plan to combat cancer HEALTH: LUNG DISEASE HEALTH: LUNG DISEASE NHS will technique to detect tumours earlier
Requiring just a CT scan, HeartFlow is a test that identifies problems with blood flow, andgives doctors a prognosis of how serious the conditions might be. Dr Fairbairn explained to NS Medical Devices: “The data from this scan is then sent securely to HeartFlow in California, via the cloud...
Time interval between chemo/radiotherapy completion and post-treatment CT/PET-CT scan for HNSCC. An audit of NHS Highland practice over a 5 year periodFergus CooperAthena Togo