如果政府能够真正痛下决心,从根源入手进行改革,而非头疼医头脚疼医脚,那么未来还是充满希望滴!信息来源:BBC News,《Winter pressures: NHS hospitals declare critical incidents amid surge in flu and Covid cases》 The Guardian,《Royal College of Nursing report reveals alarming conditions faced by pat...
The senior NHS Board member warns that the government is now controlling the NHS, and it is the government that is actually dictating what the NHS should do during Covid emergency measures. She states that the result of the government's enforced Covid and vaccination policies can be described ...
Flu and covid: Could NHS do more to ensure doctors get vaccinated this winter?doi:10.1136/bmj.q2871With vaccination rates against respiratory illnesses continuing to decline among healthcare staff, Emma Wilkinson examines what's behind the trend and efforts to tackle it Flu hit early this year,...
“We know that both Covid-19 and flu vaccine uptake among doctors remains high but that there are also small numbers of staff who are unable or unwilling to have the vaccines. There are a number of reasons for this and it’s important that all views are taken into consideration in this ...
Ombudsman Reports RAAC Surveys Jobs Job Vacancies Work Placements Medical Work Experience Non-Executive Board Vacancies Volunteering Working In Prisons Working In Forth Valley Return to Practice Finding Accommodation Covid-19 Information NHS Forth Valley...
The University of Edinburgh study assessed the views of more than 4400 people aged 18 years and over, during the period 16 to 31 July 2021—a time when overall vaccination rates were high. The group was asked about their levels of trust in sources of advice on COVID-19, which sources th...
The new data found that hospitals across the UK had an average of 99,750 core beds in place each day – an increase of 2,000 additional beds since the beginning of the year – to benefit from the expected COVID-19 and flu peak. ...
However, since the pandemic training numbers have fallen with the recent drop to below pre-Covid levels suggesting recruitment issues are more entrenched, as health experts warn that low pay and industrial disputes are putting off would-be student nurses. ...
The new data found that hospitals across the UK had an average of 99,750 core beds in place each day – an increase of 2,000 additional beds since the beginning of the year – to benefit from the expected COVID-19 and flu peak. ...