It's also important to follow advice about how to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19 throughout your pregnancy. 同样重要的是,在整个怀孕期间,要遵循如何避免感染和传播2019冠状病毒疾病的建议。 If you're more than 28 weeks pregnant (in your 3rd trimester) it's especially important to follow t...
(Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water.) 请坚持用药。 (Please continue taking the medication.) 避免剧烈运动。 (Avoid vigorous exercise.) 保持身体卫生。 (Maintain good personal hygiene.) 注意饮食和营养。 (Pay attention to your diet and nutrition.) 避免接触过敏原。 (Avoid contact with a...
Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England)
(Medical Advice and Phrases): 多休息,多喝水。 (Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water.) 请坚持用药。 (Please continue taking the medication.) 避免剧烈运动。 (Avoid vigorous exercise.) 保持身体卫生。 (Maintain good personal...
The information and advice offered by is solely educational and provides general advice only for the adult population. Information offered on website, blog and social media accounts is not a substitute for seeing a Registered Dietitian or another qualified healthca...
Prescriptions, coughs and colds, sore throat, aches and pains, diarrhoea… Dental Services Toothache, abscesses, bleeding gums, tooth sensitivity, oral hygiene… Looking After Yourself Sore throats, coughs, cold and flu symptoms, minor cuts and grazes… ...
Soothing itchy eyes Exercising with hay fever Advice from our brands Fusion allergy relief Piri allergy relief Online Doctor advice Cold & flu Colds How to boost your immune system How to treat colds and flu Sinusitis & sinus pain Sore throat Vitamin C and the common cold Types of coughs &...
Flu Jab • 旅行疫苗服务和建议(Travel vaccinations advice ), 疟疾预防服务(Anti- malaria) • 戒烟服务(stop smoking) Boots Gloucester Road 提供哪些服务 帝国理工附近的Boots药店 • Paracetamol(扑热息痛对乙酰氨基酚) • 止咳糖浆-Cough syrup • 复合感冒药All in One Cold Flu • Vitamin C ...
When to use AskFirst: - Abdominal pain - Back pain - Cough - Cold or flu symptoms - Chest pain - Dizziness - Fever - Headache - Pregnant and vomiting - Rash - Sore throat - Urinary symptoms - General medical questions, "Should I go in for this or not?" ...
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