同学们可以在NHS或者GHIC官网上免费申请,只需要提供你的:名字、地址、出生日期以及医疗健康类号码,不同地区叫法各异:英格兰/威尔士:国民保险号(NI number)或NHS number苏格兰:CHI number北爱尔兰:Health and Care number 以UCL为例,全球健康保险卡 (GHIC) 于 2021 年 1 月推出,将取代旧的欧洲健康保险卡...
Health Care Assistant(离职员工)-Essex-2024年8月16日 Awful pay for emotionally and physically tough work. However, the team I worked under was very supportive and the work is meaningful.I felt valued by the team even if my salary didn't refect it !