对重度肥胖和2型糖尿病的治疗,减重手术(bariatric surgery)以及密切随访是成本效益良好的方法 在英国,尽管英国国家健康与临床优选研究所(NICE)指南明确推荐,但实施减重手术的人群比例小于1%,而且今年比例还在下降 男性和少数族裔群体不太愿意接受减重手术 每年手术的例数需增加到50 000例,英国才能与欧盟其他相似医疗保健...
At present, these criteria are locally determined and represent a postcode lottery. Conclusion The NICE guidelines on obesity recommend that patients undergoing bariatric surgery should have information on, or access to plastic surgery where appropriate, but this standard is not being achieved. National...
Bariatric surgery should be included as part of an overall clinical pathway for adult weight management.C Bariatric surgery should be considered on an individual case basis following assessment of risk/benefit in patients who fulfil the following criteria:BMI 35 kg/m 2presence of one or more sever...