NIBworkstream 4, underpins the NHS digital future,and aims to build and sustain public trust, delivering plans for consent based information sharing and assurance of safeguards. It focuses on 4 areas: governance and oversight, project risks, consent and genomics: “The work will begin in 2015 an...
access (provided separately); local or long- distance charges may apply These are Microsoft's recommendations. NHS organisations should refer to iPSPG guidance when specifying requirements for new hardware. I've heard that Microsoft is changing their licensing with something called Software Assurance....
When questioned about the low number of external independent investigations and asked how it satisfied itself that Regulation 5 had been met in all cases CQC replied: “The CQC received information from the trusts that either gives assurance for regulation 5 on each of its directors or confirms w...
It defines standards for clinical safety, data protection, cybersecurity, and technical assurance and interrupts and also with a view of accessibility and usability and they are set out now as the absolute baseline that digital health technologies need to meet to operate safely within health and so...
This information should be readily available as part of the NHS EPRR annual assurance process. Please note that this is a different request from my previous requests: “EPRR Coordination of emergency and disaster management activities”, “EPRR Planning” and “EPRR Communication and information ma...
n Audits consolidated NHS Foundation Trust accounts, taking assurance from the work of individual NHS Foundation Trusts' auditors. Places reliance upon Consolidated Accounts Management Letters Independent Regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts ('Monitor') Responsible for production of consolidated NHS Foundation ...
Framework specification allows for balance between consistency and contextual variation in intervention delivery, with session details devolved to providers. Limitations in fidelity assurance, data collection procedures and recruitment issues could adversely impact on intervention effectiveness and restrict ...
and contributed to the writing; RP-P did the historical analysis for LOE and uptake, was involved in the discussions with the experts and contributed to the writing; JS reviewed related academic and policy literature, contributed to the writing and provided overall quality assurance to the project...
It also criticised NHS England for taking a year to issue guidance to its 27 area teams about how to seek assurance on out of hours services, and it questioned whether the current monitoring arrangements were fit for purpose, as clinical commissioning groups … 展开 ...
Mapping was conducted by three reviewers and discrepancies were resolved through discussion.ResultsElements identified were categorised within four themes: (a) raising awareness and recruitment; (b) intervention components, design and delivery; (c) inequalities and adaptation and; (d) quality assurance,...