At Remedium, we champion staffing frameworks precisely because we care about the future of our NHS. Framework approved agencies invest a lot in the process of getting on a framework, meeting stringent compliance, ethical and financial criteria. Agencies who choose to work off-framework are free t...
5. Who in the trust has authority to approve the use of off-framework agencies (name and job title) 6. If authority to use off-framework agencies in the trust lies with a specific department i.e., temporary staffing/staffing solutions/agency bookings/NHSP or equivalents, then who in the ...
vacant before being filled by the agencies who are ON framework in the past 12 months’ 3. How many long-term bookings and individual shifts have been placed through OFF-framework agencies in the past 12 months’ (Please separate individual shifts and long-term placements) ...
The UK had faced a similar attack on its NHS servers during the May 2017Wannacry Ransomware Attackwhich had targeted government agencies and large organizations in several countries. In India as well, the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMs), Delhi, faced aransomware attack in No...
Communicate effectively with other staff groups, both internal and external. To include healthcare professionals, patients and their representatives, external agencies, commercial suppliers, service engineers and visitors to the laboratory. All staff must maintain the confidentiality of patient details and ...