NSS notes that in Scotland it’s estimated that up to a third of the adult population are living with non-diabetic hyperglycaemia or prediabetes, with the “vast majority being unaware of this”. They add that “between 5-10% of those with NDH will progress to T2D every year”. The ...
NHS plan calls for new models of care and greater emphasis on prevention. Key areas cited for action include tackling the root cause of ill health by taking "hard hitting national action on obesity, alcohol and other major health risks." The report argued, "The future health of millions of...
Some studies have found that the programme is associated with small reductions in the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, while others have found no significant benefit. In a 5-year study of electronic health records from several London commissioning groups, Robson et al. found that NHS ...
Dr Fielden was appointed as director of specialised commissioning at NHSE in October 2015 to lead development of a national strategy for specialised services as part of a 5 year forward implementation plan. He also served as deputy to Sir Bruce Keogh, then medical director of NHSE. © 2019Web...
a record number of doctors were recruited into GP training and the new 5 year contract for general practice will see an extra 20,000 more staff working in GP practices – backed by an extra £4.5 billion more a year for primary and community care by 2023-24 through the long-term plan...
Recovery is often further complicated by substance misuse and co-morbid physical health problems (such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and pulmonary disease). Some people also have pre-existing conditions such as intellectual impairment and/or developmental disorders, including those on the autism ...
I started getting back out with the camera as soon as my foot could stand it, and I’ve done as much as possible as the months have gone on to keep my mobility up. My diabetes has suffered, and I’m not sure I’ll ever get back the control I had before the accident, but that...
For diabetes and multiple sclerosis (details not shown here), the respective percentages were 23 and 33 %. The unweighted average across the four therapeutic areas analysed is 36 %, which is the same as the weighted average by 2011 actual sales. Weighting by 2007 actual sales decreases the av...
In Phase 4, the themes were reviewed at two levels; firstly, at the level of the coded extracts to ensure themes fit a clear pattern throughout and secondly, across the entire dataset. This dataset was checked again to identify any new themes. In Phase 5 the themes were defined and named...
The NHS HC can be used to identify individuals at risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, diabetes and certain types of dementia and offer advice and treatment related to the lifestyle factors that contribute to these conditions, such as obesity, smoking and alcohol consumption [1]. ...