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中国广核(003816.SZ)1月5日在投资者互动平台表示,公司NHR200-II 低温供热堆示范项目目前处于前期准备阶段,我们按计划做好各项前期工作,力争早日获得核准开工。台山一号机组目前处于停机检修当中。
The initial conditions of NHR200-II fuel assembly and its material properties at different burnup times are provided by referring to two irradiated tests. Various sensitivity analyses had been conducted to evaluate the effects of material properties and pellet-cladding interaction on the resulting ...
The dynamics of vibrating fuel rods under axial fluid flows in a 200MW nuclear heating reactor (NHR200-II) was analyzed through Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) simulations. Various inflow velocities and turbulence inlet conditions were considered to assess their influence on the system's modal ...
Analysis of transient characteristics and design improvement of the passive residual heat removal system of NHR-200-IIdoi:10.3389/fenrg.2024.1343933Yiwa, GengXiongbin, LiuZiyi, LiShuliang, HuangLanyu, ZhouYanfang, XueXiaotian, LiYajun, Zhang