interactive stats on Along with Individual records for each person: including most goals in a game, home/away records and head to head stats against heated rivals. Click below to experience the glory of more stats!
/forum/213-pixelated-heroes-nhl94-documentary/ Active Online Leagues A list of currently active online leagues involving NHL '94. Screenshots Screenshots from Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo versions. *Please note you'll need to register on the forums to post and participate....
Introducing - Another way to play NHL'94 online By Fastlane, June 5, 2022 Retroarch All about Retroarch, the all-in-one program 219 posts Players go missing on edges of screen NHL 98 - (Genesis Plus GX Wide) By AdamCatalyst, January 6 Sega Genesis Emulators Talk about...
NHL Hockey Printer Friendly Version Continue playoffs: Select single elimination mode with both players as teammates. If you lose a playoff game, knock down as many opponents as possible at the end of the game. The losing team will continue onto the next round.1991 playoffs: ...
Quantity: Decrease Quantity of NHL 94 - Genesis GameIncrease Quantity of NHL 94 - Genesis Game Add to Wish List Description Product Detail Warranty Information NHL 94 - Genesis Game Original Sega Genesis game cartridge only. All DK's classic used games are cleaned, tested, guaranteed to work ...
Genesis/Megadrive and both its add~ons, somebody with high knowledge of the hardware might be able to explain how to do this easier, but even then, the Saturn was said by many as hard to work with, this is ironically part of why we see more Megadrive and Sega CD Homebrew ported to...
playing along on our Sega Genesis or SNES, racing up and down the ice, deking goalies and setting up perfect one-timers. For a few years after that, we were blessed with some nice translations to the PC, and, with high-res graphics and our Microsoft Sidewinder gamepads, all was good...
around the world. The mode effectively lets users set up their own 30 team league which you and your friends can play in. This drips with anticipation to the hardcore gamer or hockey nut that aspires to be in the big chair. Gone are the days of making trades on the Sega Genesis with...
Wondering if there was a website dedicated to the cult classic NHL'94 video game? There is! We have a community forum, which is free to register linked above! You can also learn about how to play online against other players, find online leagues to join, information on editing and hackin...