NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), Japan's only public broadcaster, introduced a radio service in 1925 and a television service in 1953. NHK is financed by the receiving fee paid by each household that owns a television set. This system enables the Corporation to maintain independence from ...
Re: NHK World Radio 6105 AM 0219 UTC 7 Feb 2024 « Reply #1 on: May 10, 2024, 0330 UTC » 54444 . VERY solid signal tonite in Japanese with wonderful Oriental music. Instrumental version of "AS TEARS GO BY" @ 04:29 Z TX: Issoudun, France. 500 kw. AZ: 290 Logged Primary...
NHK World-Japan delivers news and analysis, breaking news, information on Japan and Asia, through TV, radio broadcasting, and online in English, Japanese, and other languages. Currently,MAEDA Terunobuis the President of the executive board of Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK). Read our profiles on Japan...
Re: NHK World Radio 6105 AM 0219 UTC 7 Feb 2024 « Reply #1 on: May 10, 2024, 0330 UTC » 54444 . VERY solid signal tonite in Japanese with wonderful Oriental music. Instrumental version of "AS TEARS GO BY" @ 04:29 Z TX: Issoudun, France. 500 kw. AZ: 290 Logged Primary...
. The aim of NHK World is to broadcast throughout the world as well as online and at overseas market DW, BBC World News, RT and France 24. Headquarter of the channel located in Tokyo, Japan. NHK World provides three services NHK World Premium, NHK World TV, and NHK World Radio Japan...
NHK WORLD-JAPAN provides the latest information on Japan and Asia through television, radio and online to a global audience. It is the international service o…
In 2017, NHK started a radio program series of BOSAI, or disaster preparedness. The production team has since sought effective approaches to encourage people to take real action to reduce disaster risk, by expanding its services from broadcasting to online contents, SNS, events, etc. In this ...
For example, NHK currently has an official website about its international broadcasting service (NHK World Online). The website allows viewers to read news and watch live streams of programs from NHK World TV and NHK World Radio Japan. At the same time, NHK is also strengthening online ...
【参考译文】NHK在20世纪30年代开始尝试短波广播,并于1935年以“日本广播”(Radio Japan)的名义开始了常规的英语和日语短波广播,最初的目标受众是夏威夷和北美洲西海岸的日裔听众。到20世纪30年代末,NHK的海外广播被称为“东京广播”(Radio Tokyo),该名称在1941年成为正式名称。[需要引证] In November 1941, the ...
The Snow Monkeys. NHK INTERNATIONAL. 16mm, black and white, optical sound (English narration)radioactive waste managementextended final disposalsustainabilitytechnical and social robustnessconfidencemutual learningNo abstract is available for this article....