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English News - NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN podcast on demand - This is the latest news in English from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to
(放送文化)NHK World Radio Japan 短波转播NHK R1 放送AKB48 Team SH 成员专访 220407bclradio 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 1279 2 00:29 App 《智慧树》预告片(CCTV1蓝白包装) 862 0 05:24 App 【放送文化】CCTV-1综合频道《新闻30分》片头片尾及中场广告及开始前的广告 2002.9....
National Museum,theNHK(Radio Symphony Orchestra) and the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, [...] 東京國立劇場、東京國立博物館、NHK (電台交響樂團) 及日本愛樂交響樂團皆發源於東京,因此,若干世界級文化與科學盛會均由東京主辦。
(Music Video)-Distributor (2023) (TV) (Japan) NHK rajionyusu(2021– ) (Podcast Series)-Production company YuNi no orunaitonippon i(2020–2021) (Podcast Series)-Production company English News - NHK World Radio Japan(2017– ) (Podcast Series)-Production company ...
NHK World-Japan delivers news and analysis, breaking news, information on Japan and Asia, through TV, radio broadcasting, and online in English, Japanese, and other languages. Currently,MAEDA Terunobuis the President of the executive board of Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK). ...
Re: NHK World Radio Japan 6150 kHz 0341 UTC 18-DEC-2024 « Reply #1 on: January 10, 2025, 0320 UTC » NHK 6105 khz @ 03:12 Z 10Jan25 Japanese service to Central America. Very strong to Southern Wisconsin tonite. Male talk format.SINPO: 54444. AZ: 290 via Issoudun Logged Pri...
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), Japan's only public broadcaster, introduced a radio service in 1925 and a television service in 1953. NHK is financed by the receiving fee paid by each household that owns a television set. This system enables the Corporation to maintain independence from ...
NHK WORLD-JAPAN4.8 (16) NEWS UPDATED DAILYLatest Episode This is the latest news in Korean from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to
外国人向け英語チャンネルテレビNHKワールド JAPANと海外の日本人向け日本語チャンネルテレビNHKワールド・プレミアムの番組編成・送出業務を担い、日本の文化や最新ニュースを世界に発信しています。 海外向け英語ニュースの制作 365日・24時間毎正時にNHKワールド JAPANで世界に向け放送されて...