Jijii-kun 2024年4月24日 日语 When talking photos, we use 撮る, not 取る.The usage of 写真に撮る and 写真を撮る, you understand very well.In Japanese, you should avoid to use same particle in one sentence.For instance, 景色を写真を撮る is incorrect.As you say, 景色を写真に撮る...
【日時】 2024年 8月 19日(月) 13:00~17:00【場所】 NHK大阪放送会館 【対象】 学校園の先生、教職を目指す大学生(30名ほど)【そのほか】 参加の申し込みはGoogleformにて(申し込みフォーム) 18:00~懇親会も予定しております。 GENERIC_READ_MORE GENERIC_ORGANIZER NHK for School 近畿ファシ...
As for the Internet use, things are different. Some teenagers spend hours on the Internet playing computer games. Some even visit some unhealthy websites. A teacher from a school says that bad things can happen if young people spend too much time on the Internet. She had a student who ...
As for the Internet use, things are different. Some teenagers spend hours on the Internet playing computer games. Some even visit some unhealthy websites. A teacher from a school says that bad things can happen if young people spend too much time on the Internet. She had a student who ...