日本非常注重探索自然界,更希望孩子在探索种能够自我提问,为此,「NHK for school」的特别专栏节目还介绍了香川的昆虫,非常有意思。 算数就是我们的数学,当然中国的数学无人能敌了,所以可能很简单。不过「NHK for school」的数学节目更多的是把数学融入到生活中去,加上夸张逗笑的表演,即使再枯燥的数字也变得很有趣。
不知道大家还记不记得前几年富田老师给NHK for School拍了一些体育指导片段,用在“はりきり体育ノ介”节目中。这个节目的定位是:体育の苦手を克服し、“ できる”ようにする番組です,也就是一档希望能帮助学生提升体育能力的节目。除了富田出镜的体操内容外,也有足球、田径等其他体育项目的内容。今年”はりきり...
2 彼はもう家を出たかもしれませんね。3 運動しすぎると、痛みが出るかもしれません。 Can someone tell me if this Japanese sounds okay? Its a letter to my Japanese host school teacher... 两个句子的不同。帽子はお取りください。帽子はお取ってください。 金かね Is かね sometimes ...
Thanks for your comments! keijajajajajapan 2024年6月19日 日语 Yes, it is difficult, isn't it? We can only judge from the sentences before and after. If the word "ずっと" is followed by a quantity or weight, I would take it to mean "much. ...
この作品は、瀬戸内の島を舞台に地元の女子高校生と島に引っ越してきた男子高校生の出会いから始まる物語です。 Set on an island in the Seto Inland Sea, this story begins with an encounter between a local high school girl and a high school boy who has moved to the island. ...
寻找明日功夫巨星 Search for a New Kung-Fu Star 继李小龙、成龙、李连杰等在好莱坞闯荡出一片天的功夫巨星后,中国已近20年未出功夫巨星。本片深入中国武术的摇蓝–少林寺,记录一项寻找功夫界明日之星的选拔赛, 并且用镜头带领观众深入了解那些成就功夫巨星背后,一幕幕不为人知的磨练和辛酸路程。
Thanks for your explanation.I didn't expect that the story was talking about departure on the plane going to Japan. I had taken it that the departure was from Japan after visit. I couldn't imagine immigration procedure and customs check could be done offshore. I'm not sure if it's ...