The sales team made the whole experience as easy as possible. Taking the time to show me all of the units, to dealing with any requests or issues that arose to get them solved quickly. Super friendly! Christian I had a great experience of purchasing my first shared ownership property with...
The sales team made the whole experience as easy as possible. Taking the time to show me all of the units, to dealing with any requests or issues that arose to get them solved quickly. Super friendly! Christian I had a great experience of purchasing my first shared ownership property with... 企业地址 湖北省 襄阳市 长虹北路67号 品牌官网 工商信息 统一社会信用代码 91420600565479477Y 注册资本 20000万元 成立日期 2010-12-13 登记状态 在营企业 发证机关 襄阳市市场监督管理局 核准日期 2021-02-09 执照有效期 2010-12-13起长期有效 企业类型 有限责任公司(非自然人投...
Computer generated images are for indicative purposes only. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please contact the sales team for further information. You can view the home builders consumer code here. Lampton Road, Hounslow
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our sales team to find out how much you could save. 9 Nine Steps BUYING A HOME IN 1. GET IN TOUCH Start your journey by getting in touch or registering your interest in a particular property. You can talk to our team about your requirements and we can help you understand the process ...