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[4] DM_Brake (Motor Brake) 电机1的制动控制条件充足时,可以激活或非激活. [5] RUN / STOP STATUS 电机2的制动控制条件充足时,可以激活或非激活. [6] WARNING (Warning Status) 变频器警告发生时激活. [7] Direction 反转信号输入时激活. [8] JOG State (Jog Input State) 点动信号输入激活. [9] ...
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88 Iverson GM, Victoria EJ, Marquis DM. Anti-β2 glycoprotein I (β2GPI) autoantibodies recognize an epitope on the first domain of β2GPI. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998; 95(26): 15542-15546. 89 Chaturvedi S, McCrae KR. The antiphospholipid syndrome: still an enigma. Hematology ...