2 型糖尿病(DM2)治疗面临挑战,研究人员针对其药物治疗阶梯计划展开研究。结果显示,新计划为不同风险患者提供更多治疗选择,重新划分极高风险患者范围等。这优化了 DM2 患者治疗,提升医疗质量。 在糖尿病治疗领域,2 型糖尿病(Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,DM2)的治疗方案一直是医学研究的重点。近年来,随着人们生活方式的...
Rutten, et al., "Nhg-standaard diabetes mellitus type 2 (derde herziening)", vol. 56: 2013, pp. 512-25.Rutten GEHM, De Grauw WJC, Nijpels G, Houweling ST, Van de Laar FA, Bilo HJ, et al. NHG-Standaard Diabetes mellitus type 2 (derde herziening). Huisarts Wet. 2013;56:...
[Summary of the practice guideline 'Diabetes mellitus type 2' (first revision) of the Dutch College of General Practitioners] The main changes of the first revision of the guideline of the Dutch College of General Practitioners on the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus t... TJ Wiers...
De multidisciplinaireRichtlijn Coeliakie en Dermatitis Herpetiformisdoet aanbevelingen over case-finding bij coeliakie. Bij patiënten met diabetes type 1, osteoporose, schildklierlijden, microscopische colitis, auto-immuunziekten in algemene zin, hypertransaminasemie of ijzergebreksanemie dient de...
pneumonie en acute bronchitis.19 Bij een secundaire bacteriële infectie worden Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae en Staphylococcus aureus als belangrijkste verwekkers gevonden.20 Bij preëxistente cardiale of pulmonale aandoe- ningen en diabetes mellitus is het risico op morbi- dite...
The CAHS was the first major study to demonstrate to the satisfaction of even the most skeptical that if you are or become active, you lower your risk of a variety of ailments, including heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, osteoporosis, and depression. Ralph ...
Rutten GEHM, De Grauw WJC, Nijpels G, et al. NHG- standaard diabetes mellitus type 2 (tweede herziening) (NHG practice guideline diabetes mellitus type 2 (second revision). Huisarts Wet 2006;49:137-52.Rutten GEHM, De Grauw WJC, Nijpels G, Goudswaard AN, Uitewaal PJM, Van der ...
Comparison of cardiovascular risk between patients with type 2 diabetes and those who had had a myocardial infarction: cross sectional and cohort studies. BMJ 2002;324:939–942. Article PubMed Google Scholar Faris R, Flather M, Purcell H, Henein M, Poole-Wilson P, Coats A. Current evidence...