数量: 2500 U 请求批量或定制报价 物流信息 常规产品:发货后, 北上广深及省会城市通常为 1-2天,二线城市通常 2-3天,三线以及偏远地区通常 4天,周末以及节假日顺延。 空运受限产品:发货后, 北上广深及省会城市通常为 2-4天,二线城市 通常3-5天,三线以及偏远地区通常 6-10天,周末以及节假日顺延。
• Star activity of the restriction enzyme: Make sure to follow the reaction recommendations as specified in the protocol. Star activity may be improved by changing several key factors such as decreasing the reaction time, increasing the reaction volume, and decreasing the enzyme amount. ...